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The Benvenue after she was wrecked off Sandgate Esplanade opposite Brewers Hill, 11th Nov 1891
The junction of Radnor Cliff and Radnor Cliff Crescent at about the turn of the 19th. Century.
The East End of Granville Parade looking towards Sandgate Castle.
Sandgate Castle seriously damaged by storms in 1927.
The Alfred Bevan Memorial Convalescent Home, formerly Beach Rocks which opened 25 June 1892.
Sandgate High Street looking West in the 1890s.The Fire Station on the left was built in 1883-1884.
Sandgate High Street looking towards Sandgate Hill from the junction with Castle Road, c.1895.
Sandgate High Street looking East in the 1890s. The Royal Kent Hotel is on the right of the picture.
Sandgate Lift on Sandgate Hill was opened in May 1891. Due to motorized vehicles it closed in1918.
Sandgate War Memorial on the corner of Military Road & the High Street was unveiled on 11 May 1921
Spade House, Radnor Cliff Crescent, was built for HG Wells in 1901. He lived there until 1909.
The Star & Garter Home was for Soldiers & Sailors wounded in the First World War (1914-1918).
The Turnpike, Sandgate Hill existed from before 1780. It was abolished in 1877.
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